The epididymis is the tube that transports sperm from the testicles to the vas deferens. The following are responsible for semen production:Įpididymis and testicles: The testicles are the organs responsible for producing sperm. Changes and disruption to these areas are what cause colour changes. Semen as a substance is a combination of secretions from the male reproductive glands as well as sperm. Treatments for unusual coloured semen will depend upon the underlying cause. Dysfunction of one or more of these areas could lead to semen color changes. Several glands and male reproductive organs are responsible for producing semen and transporting it for ejaculation. Semen contains sperm, which can fertilize a female egg. Semen is a gel-like liquid that males emit during ejaculation or sexual release. Other times, a man may notice a more consistent change in the colour of his semen.Īlthough this occurrence is not always a cause for concern, there are some instances when semen colour change can be an indicator of an underlying medical condition.
Sometimes producing an unusual coloured semen is a once-only occurrence. While semen is typically a whitish-gray colour, there are some instances when semen may appear as a different colour, which is commonly yellow.